Our Services

EDGAR filings with PFF are fast, accurate
and affordable. We provide you with a
customized, user-friendly experience.

Our XBRL/iXBRL solutions help you manage and
expedite your filing process. Take
advantage of the cost savings.

Press Releases
We help you prepare, We help you implement,
We help you manage, We offer an immediate,
cost effective solution.
Insider Insights
Important SEC Dates and Deadlines for January 2022Mark your calendar for these important SEC dates and deadlines for the month of January. Monday, January 10, 2022 10-Q:…Read More
Important SEC Dates and Deadlines for December 2021Mark your calendar for these important SEC dates and deadlines for the month of December. Friday, December 10, 2021 10-Q:…Read More
Important SEC Dates and Deadlines for November 2021Mark your calendar for these important SEC dates and deadlines for the month of November. Monday, November 1, 2021 10-K:…Read More
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money with your SEC filings
About Us
Registered SEC Filing Agent
Premier Financial Filings is a full-service financial printer headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with more than 15 years of experience in the securities industry. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive regulatory solutions to domestic and international companies, both public and non-public.
Our diverse financial background and proven expertise in financial reporting, compliance and regulatory requirements provide us with a dynamic understanding of our clients’ needs. Moreover, our vast knowledge of the.